Friday, December 4, 2009

Things That Dont Make Sense!!

So I am going to answer some questions people have asked me, hope it helps.

1. To be a follower means you like to follow my blog, it’s really not hard to set up so feel free if you would like. Just click follow button.

2. I found out that when I publish a new blog I can have a message sent to your email address. So if you do like my blog and want to know when I publish a new one please let me know and I can add you to the list.

3. Anyone can comment after a blog even if you are not a follower.

4. If anyone wants me to write about something specific please let me know.

This blog is going to be a little bit different than the rest. I am still going to be doing research but its going to be more or less research with friends. If I asked you and you gave me your input in regards to this blog, thank you. I was lying in bed the other night trying to think of new things to write about. Sometimes I think of an idea but I have to ask myself would others be interested in this. I was lying in bed and I was starting to think about candy canes and how great they are and then I thought about what I am going to dream about tonight and I hoped that candy canes were in my dream. Then that turned into me wondering if blind people can see their dreams? Here is to my first random blog!

That being said here is my list of things that don’t make sense:

1. Why people in the NBA get paid so much yet they really only play the last 2 minutes of each game. Teachers work so hard all day and get paid very little.

2. Why Facebook changes its format once people are finally used to the new one. - RJ

3. Why whenever you see construction workers working, there is never a time when they are all working at one time, one or more or all are always on a break.

4. Why people who say they are in love with someone would cheat on them. Don’t get it.

5. What Balloon Boy and his family were thinking.

6. People who say, “I feel badly” it is I feel bad. You don’t say I feel madly or I feel sadly do you. (Cough Steph)

7. Why Miley Cyrus is so famous.

8. Why when you are chewing food and think of something to say, it then take you longer to chew that food than normal. - Dan

9. How about in the winter when it's not snowing you can always find a snow plow, but when it is snowing and you should see them out and about they are nowhere to be found. – Liz

10. This kid on YouTube - ( You have to check it out!!

11. Why do toothpaste commercials never show people actually brushing their teeth with toothpaste. – RJ

12, Why someone would take a medicine that has side effects which are worse than the actual thing they are taking the medicine for; like an asthma medicine that increase your risk of dying from asthma attacks. - Matt

13. Whenever someone is comparing two things that aren't alike someone will always chime in by saying, "That's like comparing apples with oranges", as if to say you can't compare those things because they aren't anything alike.

14. The phrase - Pleased as punch – don’t get it.

15. Why there is no light in the freezer.

16. Why young or old everyone still loves to push the elevator buttons.

17. If the temperature is 0 out today and it’s going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be? – Rachel

18. If Barbie is so popular, why do we have to buy her friends? – Kate

19. Why Twilight is very addicting. I have some serious doubts about the quality of the writing or the originality of the plot lines. - Emily

20. When you blow in a dogs face he/she moves away, doesn't like it. The moment you get into the car the dog sticks his/her head out the window.

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