Friday, November 18, 2011


Personal Stylist - Karri Grant @

What does a black dress, a pair of boots, dark straight leg jeans, black heels and a blazer have in common? These are the top 5 things I was told every girl should have in their wardrobe. Last week I met with a wardrobe stylist as part of the package I won at a Metro Edge (young professional group) event in the beginning of the year. I won’t lie I was a little hesitant to go at first due to the fact that I know my style is...well how should I put this...simple.

As I expected after showing Karri a few different outfits I typically wear she informed me that I need to branch out a little bit more. She even let me know I should get rid of a few things..ouch. I was told that I not only needed to dress in more color but I should also wear more patters. I think the hardest pill to swallow was when I was told I should shop a little less at Loft, Express and Banana and try to branch out more. Unfortunately a lot of the good questions people gave me to ask her she answered them on behalf of my body type. (Sorry Caitlin, I had to be selfish)

For those of you who look like me here we go...I was told I need to wear less black and more charcoal gray, slate gray or caramel colors. I need to wear at least a thinned out wedge for my height. That all my suite jackets should be 2 button not 3. I need to wear more polly blend shirts and jewel tones. I also need to wear more dresses or shirts that look like paintings (this might be tricky for me) and I need to cut myself in half when dressing.

That being said here are some tips for everyone...

*Tip 1 – When shopping for patterns you want to make a fist, no pattern you wear should be larger than the back of your fit.

*Tip 2 – If your outfit is black, brown, or gray one way to “color it up” is to buy a small scarf and tie it around your purse.

*Tip 3 – I was told that jewel tone colors are the best colors to wear if you want to be remembered.

*Tip 4 – Shop with a purpose. Instead of buying a piece spend a little extra and buy a whole outfit. Many clothes end up not being worn enough because they serve no purpose.

*Tip 5 – For people who need to wear petite (me). The best way to shop is go to the store and then find what you like and try it on. If the item does not fit (too big) the best thing to do is go online to their website and typically they will have more petite sizes. This way you know you like it and you can get it in your size.

*Tip 6 - For winter looks you can still wear dresses (maybe just CA) just try to find a good pair of leggins and large boots.

*Tip 7 - Buy clothes you can wear all year round.

*Tip 8 - Some people like to paint but that doesn't make them a great artist. It is the same thing with style, some people have "it" and some people may not. It is okay to sometimes buy what is on the manikin or ask friends or someone working what items work well together.

Places to shop: Kenneth Cole, DKNY, BCBG, H&M, Black and White,, and Nordstrom’s.

Places in Sacramento: Legacy (J and 22nd?), Renaissance (upscale), Denim Spot (20th) and Hearth Boutique.

Overall I left more informed (good tips), a little sad (now I feel like I need a whole new look) and motivated (not to change myself but to enhnace myself).

I hope this helps, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I did try to answer all of your questions you asked, but if I didnt in the blog please feel free to ask me.

As for my Cash November - it is going well, I might try to do this more on a regular basis, I find myself spending less and thinking more about what I spend my money on. That being said we are only half way into the month haha.

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