Question of the day: If you wear something on a Monday and wash it that night and then wear it on again on Tuesday, does that still count for wearing the same thing twice? Or better yet, is it worse to wear something twice in a row or worse to wear it again because its dirty?
My birthday is on Tuesday and I don’t know what it is about turning twenty five but it makes me want to figure out my whole life. It might be the fact that I can no longer say I am in my early 20’s or the fact that people who play college sports are no longer my age anymore. On a more positive outlook they say that as you grow older you become wiser. This year I will hopefully grow more, learn more and live more. Maybe that should be my new birthday resolution. I should some how figure out how to track growing more, learning more and living more. I am getting the new iPad2 on Friday (hopefully), maybe the “oh so powerful” iPad2 will have an app for tracking growing more, learning more and living more. I will look into that and let you know. Growing old definitely makes you think about what is important in life and what you want out of life. Maybe the truth is I don’t really want to figure out my whole life but I want to know I am on the track that is going to be the best for me. I guess God really is the only one who knows the whole story and I am ok with that. Don't worry I will keep you updated on the app situation.
I'll be 29 on Thursday... and I still don't know what I'm doing. So try not to think too hard. ;)