I am not trying to say that 2010 was bad, but I have high hopes for 2011. I typically think of myself as a lucky person and I felt like in 2010 I was not very lucky. I see things turning around soon. There are many different reasons why. Let’s see the Packers made it into the playoffs and won their first game and I am looking into kick boxing classes at a gym near my house to get buff. I realized in 2011 I need to do some things different, so today I started doing a few things differently. Here are three examples.
1. When I was looking for food in the fridge I looked for the expiration date on an item. Let’s be honest if it doesn’t have mold on it I don’t typically care what date it says…which is probably bad. I realize that most people typically do look at expiration dates. Maybe I should start now? This can be part of the new me.
2. I went for a run in the dark. I may have just lasted a few blocks but I saw that my friend Katy is training for a 10k and it made me realize I am out of shape. I feel like if I do end up taking kick boxing classes I don’t want to be the dud in the class. I realized I should start preparing for my potential future class.
3. I cracked an egg which I thought was hard boiled on the table and well it wasn’t. I have never done that before. This may not help me in the future but it was funny and I did laugh out loud.
It looks like 2011 is going to be a great year.
Hey! I have always wanted to be mentioned in your blog! I am so excited! Well, to keep you motivated, I wanted to let you know that I ran 4 miles yesterday and that is the longest I have ever run!! Well, I will keep you updated on my progress! Thanks again for mentioning me...it really keeps my motivation going!