Today I was working with some students from a nearby university and the conversation went as follows:
Me - What, I am sorry I don’t get it?
Her - I am sorry maybe it’s something in my generation.
Me - What generation do you think I am in?
Her – Well you are working so I just assumed you were older.
This made me think about a conversation I was having last week with my mom about “lost arts”. Things I remember doing in the past…
1. Using A Map – I remember when I was 16 or 17 and my friends took a trip to Northern Michigan. We had a map out in the front of us with a highlighted route and written directions. I think about it now, we use MapQuest or our GPS. We now say you are .6 miles away. Do people even know how to read a normal map anymore?
2. Waving when someone lets you in – I am not sure if this is a lost art all over the place or just in California. I had let 2 people in front of me the other night and not one person waved to say thank you. How rude!
3. Knowing how to let someone follow you in a car – A few weeks ago my friend told me to “follow her”. When you tell someone to follow you don’t speed through the yellow light or make a quick turn without a warning. You drive differently than you would normally so people are able to follow you.
4. Letter writing- wait an email is not a letter?
5. RSVP – I understand we are in the age of Facebook invites but if you get invited to something its common courtesy to reply in a decent time frame. There are two types of people that fail when it comes to RSVPing. Type 1. If you RSVP all the time because you feel bad saying know or are too lazy to look to see if you are free but last minute you always bail out. Type 2. If you are the type of person who waits a long time to see if something better to come up. All I have to say to these people is at some point people will stop inviting you to things, so be carful.
6. War – I remember in my history books reading about how people stood in a line and someone yelled fire and then everyone would shoot. Now people go to war and there are no boundaries and no clear end to wars.
If anyone has anymore let me know…
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