Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Changes vs Big Changes

My random thought process today:

In 2008 my new year’s resolution was to read at least 30 min a day for 4-5 days a week. Growing up I was more into playing sports and the thought of picking up a book and reading it for fun was out of the question. It was only when I hit high school that I started to read books for fun. My mom had introduced me to a couple of authors who wrote mystery novels and from there I started reading other things. So in 2008 or the year I like to call my “transition year” I was able to read because I had just finished college and didn’t have a job and was living at home. Reading was easy and I had time to do it.

Then I moved to California and 2009 was seriously a blur to me and somehow today it is Aug 2010 and I have realized I have not been reading as much as I would like. I could cop out and say it’s because I am busy with work and my “social life” but I realize I am the only one to blame. I read a blog that really got me thinking. I am a little mad because I closed this guy’s blog out without following him so I might never find him again, but that being said…he talked about how life is all about choices. My first thought: well yeah I have heard that one before but I kept reading. He explained how he woke up one day and realized his life is not where he wanted it to be.

Most people have point in their life where they are either bored, unhappy, and or feel they need something more in their life. His first thought (like most people) was to make a drastic change so he did. After the new wore off of that change he found himself still feeling the same emotions as before. When he sat down he realized maybe he just needed to make a couple small changes. Here is where I started to really get curious. Most people would try to figure out what they were unhappy about and change it. He didn’t take that path. (I will admit this might work for some, might not work for others). What he did was try to find small things that make him happy and focus more on those things. He started to run more, go to church more, found more groups to belong to that interested him etc.

I then started to also think more about this, I do read now but I read different things, in the morning I read the newspaper and I definitely read more blogs now. I also have been playing the piano for months now on a regular basis so I read music. I am doing those small things that make me happy. I will always like to read but right now my interests have changed slightly and I am sure they will change again soon.

Moral of the story: maybe sometimes we don’t need big changes to improve things in our life; maybe sometimes it’s just the little changes that matter.

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