Friday, November 20, 2009

The Great Hunt

How to Hunt…There are many different types of hunting. Since I can remember my dad would go out with his hunting buddies and his bow or a gun and coming back with a deer (Bambi) or a turkey (if he is lucky ha-ha). Hunting has been around for thousands of years. It started as a form of survival of the fittest, where the men would go out to hunt with spears made of wood or stone to bring back food for the family. Today is has evolved to more of a sport, where hunters are using specialized bow and arrows and guns. Although hunting is very exciting, this type of hunting is not exactly what I am going to be talking about. Some of you may know and some of you may not, but there is a little thing called Mullet Hunting.

History of the Mullet:
The mullet dates back to the 19th century or even farther, but the mullet that we all have grown to love (or dislike) first appeared in the 60’s when pop singer Tom Jones rocked it. Merriam-Webster defines The Mullet as “a hairstyle in which the hair is short on the sides and top and long at the back". It is also known as business in the front and party in the back. It did not become really popular until the early 80’s, and I only really know one person who has a mullet today and Steve said to me, “A mullet is more than a hair cut, it’s a lifestyle”.

Mullet Accessories:
Scraggly Beards
Lack of showering

Type of Mullets: There are tons of mullets, more than I can even list. Here are the main types of Mullets you will come across.

Mullet – Male Mullet

Femullets – Female mullets

Chullets – Child Mullets

Skullets – Bald people mullets

Rat Tailluts – Mullets with a rat tale

How to Mullet Hunt:
Stealth Mode: This is where you take a picture from a far away distance. You can stand behind trees or cars while taking the picture so you are not seen.
Result: Picture may be unclear or far away.

Bait Mode: This is the most common form of any type of human “picture hunting” (Anna). A person will first have their friend stand by the mullet, you then pretend like you’re taking a picture of your friend (bait). However, you really focus the photo on the mullet. You are able to get up close and personal.
Result: Closer up picture, but mullet may not be looking at the camera

Guerilla Mode: This is where you walk straight up to a mullet and snap a picture right in their face. The prize is you are able to get a more bewildered look. There are different things you can do after you take the picture; act like you didn’t mean to take it or you can walk/run away.
Result: Experts say you get the good results from this type of hunting; it’s the closest you can get to the mullet.

Call Out Mode: This is where you ask someone to take a picture with them. If you are really daring you can ask them to turn to the side to get the full affect.
Result: Very good results, best angles are found here.

Where do I find a Mullet? Now you may be saying to yourself, “Kennedy, where can I go mullet hunting?”
-Amusement parks
-Water Parks
-Small or large County Fairs
-Really any place where there are a lot of “white trash” people

*Information found on*

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