Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Never Confuse Movement With Action”

I have been thinking a lot lately about the quote “Never Confuse Movement With Action” by Benjamin Franklin. I think that it is an important quote to think about; sometimes you can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of living day to day without realizing that you might not be accomplishing what you really want to accomplish. Movement is physical and sometimes our mind can play tricks on us to make us think we are really doing something when we are not. The problem is action requires more than just physical movement. An example: someone can go on a run to get healthy but never get his or her heart rate up or run long enough to really accomplish their goal of "health." That person is just going through the motions.

The problem I struggle with is there is a fine line between thinking too much "big picture" vs. living your life in the moment. Recently I have been thinking about what my next step will be in life, I am not talking about the next six months or even a year more like the next few years. I feel like there is a difference between working on something with no goal in mind vs. actually acting on what you want to do until it comes to completion. This quote just makes me really want to be aware of my actions and set more goals.

On a totally different note…I am hosting my first “Divorced Birthday Party.” I have been told by a few people coming that this is going to be their first “D.B.P.” If you want to come let me know. We are celebrating my birthday and my roommates divorce being finalized. My next party ideas is a “200,000 Miles Party” to celebrate my car reaching 200,000 miles (in 1,000) miles. I just wonder how long it will take me to reach 1,000 miles. I will keep you posted.