This is a picture of me and my good friend Callie while in Ireland. We had a great day doing all the touristy things like the Guinness Factory, Book of Kells, Dublin Castle, etc. We (Callie, Josh and I) were staying in Dublin. Not really knowing what to expect, we found a random place to stay in the city and asked for a 4 bedroom. If you have every stayed in a hostel you know that rooms can range from one bed to 20+ beds.
A tip I learned from a friend is if you’re staying in a hostel you want to do 2 things. One: take a bed sheet from home and sew it into a sleeping bag so you can bring it to the hostel and sleep in it. This will help you not get bed bugs. Two: Always have what you can’t afford to lose on you at all times. So back to Ireland, it was our second night in the hostel and the three of us were all deciding on what we should do that night. Dublin is known for having a great night life and we had gone out the night before and listened to some great traditional Irish music.
We were all talking and our door starts to open so I of course grab my belongings and hold tight thinking, “I am not giving up without a fight.” Who walks in? Blazej a Polish man who lived and worked in Ireland (what we came to find out is that a lot of people live in hostels and just move from room to room). When we first met Blazej, we found out right away that he loved Callie’s blond hair and he loved the idea that we were from the United States. Right when he walked in we all got quiet. We did introductions and then he told us that he was meeting some friends at a pub that was close by. He wanted to know if Callie wanted to come and said Josh and I could join too. The conversation then went as followed:
Me: Yeah that would be fun, where would we go?
Blazej: A place called Fibber Magee’s.
Me: Sounds Irish, I am in.
Callie: Kennedy we should think about this, we don’t know him and I don’t want to go.
Me: He said it was close we will be fine, we have Josh.
Josh: I don’t care what we do.
Me: I want to go out.
Callie: I don’t want to go out, I am tired (Typical Cal) .
Blazej: Callie you either stay with me here alone or you come out with all of us (in a polish accent).
Callie: Ok we can go out.
Blazej: Good I will buy you all drinks.
This started one of the weirdest nights of my life. So right away there were RED FLAGS.
1st Red Flag – Everyone in Europe dresses up when they go out, he was in jeans and a sweatshirt and was ready to go.
2nd Red Flag – He said it was a close pub, 15 min later and counting while still in the cab we were all thinking “Where are we going?” “Was this stupid?” “What street is our hostel on?”
On a side note, I love all kinds of music, all kinds but heavy metal/screaming music. So we walk into Fibber Magee’s and we find a spot to sit right away which was good. We all sit down and Blazej ordered the first round of drinks for all of us. We drank a lot of Rebel beer and took different shots all nights (grass weed shot?).

So everything was fine and then Jared and Josh2 showed up who were Blazej friends. Jared was from Poland and Josh2 was from Spain. Right when they showed up Blazej came back with some shots and said, “Oh great, the live band is starting". All of a sudden the music started and it was death metal. Now the sweatshirts made sense.

It was a good thing we were far away from the music because I don’t think I would have made it very long if we were close. After I got past the screaming and the EXTREME amount of gothic people walking in the door, I started to have more fun. In the middle of the night as Blazej had his arm around Callie the conversation went as followed:
Blazej: Callie I love you.
Callie: Josh please make sure he doesn’t rape me tonight.
Josh: What do you want me to do sleep with my eye open?
Blazej: Let me buy you all another shot.
Callie: Kennedy whatever happens I am not taking the shot he gives me it has a date rape in it I know it does.
Kennedy: Just switch the shot around.
Blazej comes back and Callie makes some comment and he turns and she switches his shot with her so that she won’t get the date rape shot. Soon after he wants to take a picture with Callie to remember the “love of his life”, the picture is as followed:

This might be my favorite picture of Callie ever. When I looked at these pictures the next morning I laughed so hard. Her face about sums up our night . Now I know that Callie would be mad if I didn’t tell this story. The story is as followed:
Callie really likes popcorn and I am not really that big of fan of it. At some/most bars in the states if they have popcorn it’s free. At this heavy metal Irish pub it was not free. She got popcorn at the bar for everyone to share and once it ran out she asked me if I would go get her more. The conversation went as followed:
Callie: Kennedy please go get me more popcorn.
Me: No I don’t want any popcorn you can go get it.
Callie: Please Ken just get me some more.
Me: No, you can go get it.
Callie: Ken you don’t have to pay for it its free refills.
Me: Yeah I am still good you can go get it.
Callie: Come on please.
Me: Fine!! I will go get you some freaken popcorn Cal.
Me (to the bartender): Hey my friend got some popcorn and this is her tub and she wants me to get her, her free refill.
Bartender: What are you talking about? (Irish accent).
Me (yelling over the yelling): My friend Callie she is sitting right over there and she ordered this and wants her FREE refill.
Bartender: Why would I give you free popcorn, we don’t have free refills, you have to pay for more popcorn.
I look over and the whole table is laughing at me. Let’s just say Callie got her own popcorn after that and everyone was laughing at me the whole night. That was one of my random nights while in Dublin Ireland.